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Séminaire INGENIUM (projets EFAPI et CREFSIN)

Dans le cadre d’un double projet porté au sein d’INGENIUM (projets EFAPI et CREFSIN), l’équipe AIS du CRFDP accueillera des chercheurs de l’Université d’Oviedo (Espagne), de l’Université de Crète (Grèce) et de l’Université de Chieti-Pescara (Italie).

Un séminaire sera proposé le Jeudi 06 Février à 14h30 en F106, avec deux présentations:

– Creativity and Executive functions: Assessment, Development, and Inclusive Perspectives in Virtual Reality Contexts – présenté par Tania Pasarín-Lavín, School Learning, Difficulties and Academic Performance (ADIR) research group de l’Université d’Oviedo.

“The relationship between creativity and executive functions (EF) in adolescents is important because this is a critical period of cognitive development. EF, including planning, cognitive flexibility, and inhibitory control, are essential for academic and personal success, while creativity is key for problem-solving and innovation. The research highlights their complex interplay in three phases. In the first phase, we analyzed the relationship between creativity and EF in children and adolescents through a systematic review.  The following phases, which are empirical, are developed with a sample of 182 adolescents. Firstly, we analyze how creativity and EF change during the school years; secondly, we compare these two variables according to the neurodiverse profile (neurotypical and neurodivergent students); and finally, we analyze latent profiles to find out which creative profiles we find in adolescence. The results underscore the need for personalized educational strategies that foster both EF and creativity, especially in the case of neurodivergent adolescents. This study provides a basis for further research and the development of adaptive educational interventions.”

– How divergent are children’s divergent movements? – présenté par Antonio De Fano, Behavioral Imaging and Neural Dynamics Center (BIND) de l’Université de Chieti-Pescara.

“The ability to produce divergent and creative solutions is increasingly recognized as essential in fast-paced societies that demand innovation. While divergent thinking has been extensively studied in the cognitive domain, less attention has been given to divergent movement ability (DMA). DMA involves generating diverse motor solutions to open-ended tasks and reflects both top-down ideation and bottom-up sensorimotor processes. Therefore, 165 fifth graders, aged 10–11 years, with different histories (onset and duration) of participation in enriched physical education (PE) were recruited. The study aimed to examine the cognitive and motor predictors of DMA in children as well as the role of sport and enriched PE experience in determining DMA. Results highlight the interplay of cognitive and motor processes, suggesting that interventions in PE and sports can enhance DMA. Findings support the integration of embodied creativity into educational and developmental practices, emphasizing the importance of both cognitive and motor dimensions.”

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